
Showing posts from July, 2023

Integrating evidence-informed teaching into my practise.

When I started teaching career in the late naughties there was too much pseudoscientific rubbish floating around for me to take any of the training or CPD seriously. From the ludicrous VARK to the purely commercial Brain Gym nonsense it left a massive swathe of teachers completely disillusioned with all CPD and pedigogical theories. Thankfully over the past decade evidence has finally crept into the profession. My first introduction to Professor Daniel Willingham was in 2010 in his YouTube video explaining why VARK was already known to be wrong outside the educational echo chamber of the time. Now Willingham's book, 'Why Do Students Hate School' is becoming increasingly popular amongst teachers and it can only be a good thing that teachers are starting to be more open to established neuroscience. Evidence-based practise is a welcome breath of fresh air after too many years of the cult-like religiosity of dangerous and damaging preachers peddling easy fixes and simple answer